Hi, I'm Ben and I love systems and processes

This makes me really useful to people that need to cut down on inefficiency and stress. If you want me to look at how to get the best out of your software and processes then give me a call.

 What QS work can I help you with?;
Job Costing & Estimations using the following

  • Buildxact Software
  • Buildaprice Software
  • Buildertrend Software
  • Proworkflow Software
  • Bluebeam Software
  • MS Excel Software
  • Peer Reviews of Your Quotes


Excel – I am a computer programmer by trade which means I can make excel sing for you

Reduce your office complications - Not sure how to make Software A talk to Software B. I will work it out for you...

I can separate the fiction from reality - the Software promises from the software capability? Why would you want this?  There is no one stop product for your needs. So let me help you select which software will work together that actually makes your business run smoothly, less stressful and delivers on its promises

Training – discover how to make the important features of your software deliver on your bottom line

In-depth knowledge - I have 30 years’ experience putting IT systems into large and small businesses

Excel - I can help you improve or create Excel Spreadsheets for pricing your jobs
Excel - I can help you improve your current spreadsheets to work even faster

Estimations - I can help speed up your estimations for you

We offer 3 levels of detail available, and you may also like to consider 'budget led designs' (see page)

Feasibility - calculating the viability of projects
Peer Review - if you have priced a job and you want a second opinion contact me
Fixed Price Quoting - I can help you with Large Job Estimations (>$5m)
Contract Writing and Interpretation Including Tagging. I can help compose contracts
Job management with financial reviews throughout the project throughout the build process


Accounting integration setup - Xero, MYOB linking and data management that works with your estimating programs 

Email:  ben@forfusa.com

MOB: 0210 233 9683